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Discover the secret behind toned arms and boost your self-confidence: everything you need to know about arm lifts.

Do you feel that over the years your arms are no longer firm? We bring you the solution: the lipolaser on the arms. The dermilopectomy, also known as lifting or lipolaser, is a surgical procedure performed to remove excess fat and skin, in this case from the arms. As a result, the treated area improves its appearance making it more aesthetic, toned and rejuvenated.

This surgery is simple and does not require a long time, usually lasting between one and three hours depending on the amount of tissue to be removed. During the procedure, the surgeon makes small incisions in the arms to remove the excess skin. The incision is then sutured closed and a bandage is applied to protect the area during recovery.


Arm lifts

As with any surgical procedure, it is important to follow a series of recommendations before undergoing an arm lift. You should consult with a certified and experienced plastic surgeon, report any health problems, allergies or medications you are taking and follow the doctor’s instructions regarding physical preparation and food. In addition, it is essential that the patient discusses the risks and benefits of the procedure before undergoing the intervention.

The main advantage of lipolaser on the arms is the improvement of the appearance of this area, helping to reduce flaccidity and cellulite. It can therefore help to improve self-esteem and self-confidence and the results of such an operation are usually long-lasting. As an operation, it also carries some risks such as infection, bleeding, visible scarring or scarring problems. Depending on the patient, recovery may be painful and require prolonged rest, and results may vary from case to case.

The ideal candidates for this procedure are those who have excess skin on their arms and want to improve the contour of the area. They must be in good physical and mental health.

If you want to improve the appearance of your arms, a facelift may be the solution for you. First of all, discuss the conditions with your surgeon, find out about the advantages and disadvantages before making a final decision.