Exposure to the sun damages our skin. In fact, it is one of the main causes of premature aging, wrinkles, loss of elasticity… and also unwanted spots. Sunbathing can cause dark spots to appear in some areas where the skin is more delicate such as the face, cleavage or hands. It is a problem that affects both men and women and that, once it appears, to combat it is necessary to resort to specific cosmetics or specialized dermatological treatments that treat the spots in a localized way.
There are many clinics that offer solutions to sun spots, many opt for a laser treatment IPL, others offer different techniques. Therefore, if you are looking for a dermatologist in Barcelona or another city, be sure to check what type of treatment they offer.
Types of sun spots and their treatment
Specifically, the IPL laser (intense pulsed light) is effective for treating senile spots or also called sun spots. This type of spots are caused by unprotected or prolonged exposure of the skin to the sun, which causes the production of melanin to be stimulated. Melanin is the main pigment in the dermis, so if it increases, it is reflected in the skin in the form of darker areas. These spots are more frequent in people with lighter skin and, once they appear, they do not change in size or get lighter or darker.

There is another type of sun spots, melasma, which are easily distinguished from lentigines. Melasmas appear only in women who suffer a hormonal change (pregnancy, use of contraceptives…) and only on the face (upper lip, forehead and cheeks). They are more frequent in brown skin and, although they are not completely eliminated, in winter, when sun exposure is lower, they fade.

The treatment of both is very different. Senile spots are treated with laser or IPL (intense pulsed light). The advantage of the latter option is that in addition to being an effective anti-spot treatment it also rejuvenates the overall appearance of the skin and eliminates other imperfections such as redness or open pores. To treat melasma, it is best to opt for chemical peels or depigmenting treatments that stimulate cell renewal in the dermis and, therefore, eliminate the cells with the most melanin;
Blue light, the new ray that damages our skin
But what causes sunlight to damage our skin? You are probably familiar with UVA and UVB rays. These rays strike the dermis and cause a multitude of negative effects on the skin. In fact, the vast majority of sunscreens protect against them. What you may not know is that it has been discovered that there is another type of ray that is not only found in sunlight, but also in the screens of electronic devices.

They are the HEV (High Energy Visible) rays, better known as blue light, which are increasingly present in our daily lives. Much research remains to be done on the effects of blue light on the skin. It is a relatively new field and more studies are needed, although some scientific publications state that exposure to these rays can cause loss of collagen and hyperpigmentation, which accelerates the appearance of blemishes.
Prevention: sunscreen and hats or sunshades
It is clear that sunlight can produce spots and that there are increasingly effective treatments to get rid of them. But if we want to prevent them, sunscreen is essential. In fact, some cosmetic brands have already launched some with protection against blue light.

And why not, we can also convert pamelas and hats into our best allies in our fight against the harmful effects of the sun. The straw hats and the bucket hat are the most worn this summer.